A Basic Christian Library

Apart from your Bible, what books should you have on your shelf? Of the hundreds if not thousands of books found in your local Christian bookshop, which ones are worth having?

(Note: some of these books are available as ebooks)

  1. New Bible Dictionary (3rd Edition) by Marshall, Millard, Packer and Wiseman  Koorong | Word
    A good Bible dictionary can help you make sense of what you are reading. The New Bible Disctionary is an accessible, comprehensive A – Z of Bible terms, place names, books, people and doctrines.
  2. The Lion Handbook to the Bible (4th Edition) by Pat Alexander  Koorong | Word
    This handbook provides a clearly illustrated guide to the Bible. It is easy to read and provides quick access to information from a range of sources.
  3. ESV Concise Bible Atlas by David P Barrett  Koorong | Word
    An excellent atlas to accompany the ESV Bible.
    Crossway ESV Bible Atlas by John D Currid and David B Barrett  Koorong | Word
    A more indepth version of an atlas for the ESV Bible.
  4. Believer’s Bible Commentary by William MacDonald  Koorong | Word
    Written for people from every walk of life, the BELIEVER’S BIBLE COMMENTARY is clear and understandable enough for everyday use–turning complicated theology into practical understanding. Yet it also provides plenty of resource material for more advanced students.
    Focus on the Bible Commentary Series  Koorong | Word
    This series is for the more serious study with one commentary for each book of the Bible.
  5. Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem  Koorong Word
    This is a very indepth handbook to the Bible and to the Christian faith with each chapter beginning with a clear definition of the doctrine under consideration..