The Feasts of the Lord

When we see and hear what is making the news around us, we can become very disheartened. It seems like the world is full of pain and suffering, death and destruction, greed and selfishness. However, when we look in the Word of God, we see that He has a plan for this world. A plan that has been carefully and wonderfully laid out for us in the pages of the Bible. In particular, the way that God foretold both the first and the second coming of the Messiah in the Feasts He appointed in Leviticus 23 gives us hope in in a hopeless world. God is ultimately in control. He has a plan for our redemption and the redemption of Israel that gives us an amazing insight into what the future has in store.

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Messiah in the Feasts of Israel by Sam Nadler
Book (Word Bookstore)
DVD (Word Bookstore)